Better than takeout chicken fried rice is packed full of flavor and has the perfect texture of the authentic Asian fried rice recipe. The one true secret...
Creamy Chicken Paprikash features aromatic ingredients such as onion, garlic, and paprika, which give the sauce an incredibly deep savoriness. This popular...
Crock pot pork chops are an easy dinner to get on the table with minimal effort- combine just 3 ingredients then cover and cook! You'll love how delicious...
This burger has all the components of a BLT?they're just not configured in the usual way. Crumbled bacon and intense sun-dried tomatoes are mixed into...
This roasted veggie grain bowl is an easy, healthy dinner or make-ahead lunch. See the post above for ideas for customizing it based on what you have on...
Make with mashed potatoes and toasted almond asparagus. This was sooo good! and the pork was to die for! great for a day at home. takes a good while to...
These Cilantro Lime Chicken Thighs are my favorite chicken for enchiladas and more! I love to use these perfectly flavored chicken thighs for tacos, chimichangas,...
American Heart Association - Healthy Family Meals - 150 Recipes Everyone Will Love There are many ways to serve food with tons of flavor but without fatty...
This is a truly special dinner entree. A bit labor intensive to start off with, but once you have the glaze and cherry sauce done the rest of the preparation...